Thursday, March 17, 2011

Music Program to be cut in Andover MA! Just say NO!

As many of you know I am actively involved in and a huge proponent of the Arts and Music and have been actively involved since my grade school days MANY years ago. Today I found out that Andover has elected to eliminate it's music teacher at the high school level and possibly the mid-school level - as a result of a budget cut. Mark Mercer has been an incredible asset the music department and students and he has done more for this high school music program than anyone in a long time. It is so important that our kids get as much exposure to music as possible. Scientific studies have proven the positive value of music in young people's brains - improved spacial perception, better math skills, better problem solving, cultural adaptation skills and more are only the beginning of the benefits. See here for more

Andover prides itself and enjoys the luxury or higher real estate values as a result of the perceived quality of it's public education. This action will have a major negative impact on that positive perception.

If you are an Andover resident or student and feel this cost cutting measure is a mistake please take action tonight and attend the school board meeting. Make your opinion know and let them know we will not accept this detrimental cut in the the children's education in Andover.

Please let the decision makers know this is not acceptable today!

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